my thought process behind starting to write on behance was to showcase a journey day in and out of a 21-year-old trying to build something of her own. i wanted to list - what went right this week and what failed, what are the new projects i'm excited about, what kind of opportunities are coming in. so on and so forth. 

but when i actually started writing i realized that there is so much inside my mind that needs to be let out from a creative pursuit. this is where i get to be an artist. this is where i get to perform my experiments apart from "work". this is where i subconsciously get peace. it fuels my inspiration, all in all.  

eventually, i also want to document my initial thoughts. should i start a newsletter or take it easy? well, time will tell, and i hope to be consistent. because honestly, i feel that there is so much i'm learning right now, in terms of personal, professional, and spiritual development that i wouldn't want to miss sharing this adventure—the adrenaline rushes, the firsts, the breakdowns, the free will, the making of something. will i be this way 10 years down the line? or will i lose out by being overly matured and composed? or rather, boring?
today, when i sat down, i felt uncomfortable—almost unhappy—about how my days are passing by. it's honestly been an overwhelming and an empty feeling at the same time, to not feel so interested in work or to try other things lately. 
instead of following the plan of reading, i just started writing my thoughts on this paper. 
on another note, i came home after 23 days, and it's just cute how dad sets up my bedroom just right (stop thinking, whatever you're!!) so that when i come home from a drive at night or from a friend's house, i have to do nothing but just cuddle up. he would set up the blanket, keep water, get the curtains off. i love these small gestures.
and hello, don't assume me to be a spoilt kid because i go out late (no judgment zone?) i honestly don't get time during the day, and evenings—or you could say my friends are night owls. so an hour driving around the city with them makes the perfect end to the day.
also, do you see that red soft board above my study table? there were tons of things on there - pictures, cute notes by friends, a map of india, some random to-do list tasks, but i removed it all. now i want to do something fun for a change. any recommendations? or actually, maybe let me not ask you and let the creative juices flow within me. (at this point, i'm just talking to myself.)
this did come as a shock to my friends, but recently, i've stopped liking going to parties. what i would prefer is maybe a board game night, a conversation over dinner, or a long walk. i was honestly pushing myself towards going to these parties and pretending to have fun, but since last week, i've accepted it. there's a good sigh that now at least i know what i like (figuring things out, after all.)

while i was coming to my home city, i had coffee (americano, to be precise). i want to let you know how coffee reacts to my body - i become super active, i might start sweating, there's a wave of motivation so i will start working for 6 hours straight, and you'd not see me standing or sitting still. and because my mind is also on a rush, i start writing my thoughts down, just like i did this time. 
and since i went to winter wonderland, i realized how exciting this would be as a kid, and it still could be with the parade, the flying santa, and all the rides there. but have i lost the innocence to consume fiction anymore?

that brings me to the end of this blog/post/write-up (i honestly don't know what to call it.)

while i was up early working, dad handed me a warm glass of water, and i couldn't stop adoring the sunlight falling on it. 
In Making

In Making
